Cassandra Notes

As part of my preparation for Apache Cassandra 3.x Developer Associate certification I have prepared notes from O’Reilly’s “Cassandra, The Definitive Guide” by Eben Hewitt and Jeff Carpenter.

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)

Cassandra can be classified as a wide column store.

Cassandra uses a special type of primary key called a composite key (or compound key) to represent groups of related rows, also called partitions. 

The composite key consists of a partition key, plus an optional set of clustering columns. 

The partition key is used to determine the nodes on which rows are stored and can itself consist of multiple columns. 

The clustering columns are used to control how data is sorted for storage within a partition. Cassandra also supports an additional construct called a static column, which is for storing data that is not part of the primary key but is shared by every row in a partition.

Cassandra Data Model: Partitions

A partitioner determines how data is distributed across the nodes in the cluster. Cassandra organizes rows in partitions. Each row has a partition key that is used to identify the partition to which it belongs. A partitioner, then, is a hash function for computing the token of a partition key. Each row of data is distributed within the ring according to the value of the partition key token.

The role of the partitioner is to compute the token based on the partition key columns. Any clustering columns that may be present in the primary key are used to determine the ordering of rows within a given node that owns the token representing that partition.

Cassandra provides several different partitioners:



Distributed Architecture: Ring And Tokens

Cassandra represents the data managed by a cluster as a ring. Each node in the ring is assigned one or more ranges of data described by a token, which determines its position in the ring.

For example: In the default configuration, a token is a 64-bit integer ID used to identify each partition. This gives a possible range for tokens

from −2^63 to 2^63−1.

A node claims ownership of the range of values less than or equal to each token and

greater than the last token of the previous node, known as a token range.

The node with the lowest token owns the range less than or equal to its token and the

range greater than the highest token, which is also known as the wrapping range.

In this way, the tokens specify a complete ring.


Data is assigned to nodes by using a hash function to calculate a token for the

partition key. This partition key token is compared to the token values

for the various nodes to identify the range, and therefore the node that owns the data.


cqlsh:my_keyspace> SELECT last_name, first_name, token(last_name) FROM user;

last_name | first_name | system.token(last_name)


Rodriguez | Mary | -7199267019458681669

Scott | Isaiah | 1807799317863611380

Nguyen | Bill | 6000710198366804598

Nguyen | Wanda | 6000710198366804598

(5 rows)


Distributed Architecture: Vnodes

Instead of assigning a single token to a node, the token range is broken up into multiple smaller ranges. Each physical node is then assigned multiple tokens. Historically, each node has been assigned 256 of these tokens, meaning that it represents 256 virtual nodes.

Vnodes make it easier to maintain a cluster containing heterogeneous machines. For nodes in your cluster that have more computing resources available to them, you can increase the number of vnodes by setting the num_tokens property in the cassandra.yaml file.

Cassandra automatically handles the calculation of token ranges for each node in the cluster in proportion to their num_tokens value.

Vnodes make it easier to maintain a cluster containing heterogeneous machines. For nodes in your cluster that have more computing resources available to them, you can increase the number of vnodes by setting the num_tokens property in the cassandra.yaml file.


 Distributed Architecture: Gossip

To support decentralization and partition tolerance, Cassandra uses a gossip protocol that allows each node to keep track of state information about the other nodes in the cluster. The gossiper runs every second on a timer. 

When the gossiper determines that another endpoint is dead, it "convicts” that endpoint by marking it as dead in its local list and logging that fact.

Distributed Architecture: Snitch

Snitch is to provide information about your network topology so that Cassandra can efficiently route requests.

The snitch will figure out where nodes are in relation to other nodes.

The snitch will determine relative host proximity for each node in a cluster, which is used to determine which nodes to read and write from.

For example we’ll see how snitch participates in read operation: When

Cassandra performs a read, it must contact a number of replicas determined by the consistency level.

In order to support the maximum speed for reads, Cassandra selects a single replica to query for the full object, and asks additional replicas for hash values in order to ensure the latest version of the requested data is returned. The snitch helps to help identify the replica that will return the fastest, and this is the replica which is queried for the full data.


SimpleSnitch(Default): It is topology unaware; that is, it does not know

about the racks and data centers in a cluster, which makes it unsuitable for multiple data center deployments.

While Cassandra provides a pluggable way to statically describe your cluster’s topology, it also provides a feature called dynamic snitching that helps optimize the routing of reads and writes over time.Your selected snitch is wrapped with another snitch called the

DynamicEndpointSnitch. The dynamic snitch gets its basic understanding of the topology from the selected snitch. It then monitors the performance of requests to the other nodes, even keeping track of things like which nodes are performing compaction.

The performance data is used to select the best replica for each query. This enables Cassandra to avoid routing requests to replicas that are busy or performing poorly.

Replication/Consistency: Replication

A node serves as a replica for different ranges of data. If one node

goes down, other replicas can respond to queries for that range of

data. Cassandra replicates data across nodes in a manner

transparent to the user, and the replication factor is the number of

nodes in your cluster that will receive copies (replicas)

of the same data. If your replication factor is 3, then three nodes in

the ring will have copies of each row.


The first replica will always be the node that claims the range in

which the token falls, but the remainder of the replicas are placed

according to the replication strategy (replica placement strategy).


Out of the box, Cassandra provides two primary implementations of

this interface (AbstractReplicationStrategy)

SimpleStrategy: places replicas at consecutive nodes around the ring,

starting with the node indicated by the partitioner

NetworkTopologyStrategy: This allows you to specify a different

replication factor for each data center. Within a data center, it allocates

replicas to different racks in order to maximize availability.

Recommended for keyspaces in production deployments.

 Replication/Consistency: Consistency

Cassandra provides tunable consistency levels that allow you to

make these trade-offs at a fine-grained level.

You specify a consistency level on each read or write query that

indicates how much consistency you require. A higher consistency

level means that more nodes need to respond to a read or write query,

giving you more assurance that the values present on each replica are

the same.

For read queries, the consistency level specifies how many replica

nodes must respond to a read request before returning the data.

For write operations, the consistency level specifies how many replica

nodes must respond for the write to be reported as successful to the

client. Because Cassandra is eventually consistent, updates to other

replica nodes may continue in the background.


The available consistency levels include ONE, TWO, and THREE,

each of which specify an absolute number of replica nodes that must

respond to a request. The QUORUM consistency level requires a

response from a majority of the replica nodes.

Expressed as:

Q = floor (RF/2 + 1)

Q - the number of nodes needed to achieve quorum for a replication

factor RF.

The ALL consistency level requires a response from all of the replicas.

Consistency is tuneable in Cassandra because clients can specify the

desired consistency level on both reads and writes.

Recommended way to achieve strong consistency in Cassandra

is to write and read using the QUORUM or LOCAL_QUORUM

consistency levels.

Distinguishing Consistency Levels and Replication Factors

If you’re new to Cassandra, it can be easy to confuse the concepts

of replication factor and consistency level.

The replication factor is set per keyspace. The consistency level

is specified per query, by the client. The replication factor indicates

how many nodes you want to use to store a value during each write

operation. The consistency level specifies how many nodes the client

has decided must respond in order to feel confident of a successful

read or write operation. The confusion arises because the consistency

level is based on the replication factor, not on the number of nodes in

the system.


Queries and Coordinator Nodes

Let’s bring these concepts together to discuss how Cassandra nodes

interact to support reads and writes from client applications.

A client may connect to any node in the cluster to initiate a read or

write query. This node is known as the coordinator node. The

coordinator identifies which nodes are replicas for the data that is

being written or read and forwards the queries to them.


For a write, the coordinator node contacts all replicas, as determined

by the consistency level and replication factor, and considers the write

successful when a number of replicas commensurate with the

consistency level acknowledge the write.


For a read, the coordinator contacts enough replicas to ensure the

required consistency level is met, and returns the data to the client.


Replication/Consistency: Hinted Handoff (HA Mechanism)

When a write request is sent to cassandra but a replica node is not

available because of failure then the coordinator node would create a

post it note that contains the information from the write request. Once

the node is back online, it is detected through the gossip and hint is

handed off to the node. 

Cassandra holds a separate hint for each partition that is to be written.

Hinted handoff is used in Amazon’s Dynamo, which inspired the design of

databases, including Cassandra and Amazon’s DynamoDB. 

It is also familiar to those who are aware of the concept of guaranteed

delivery in messaging systems such as the Java Message Service

(JMS). In a durable guaranteed-delivery JMS queue, if a message

cannot be delivered to a receiver, JMS will wait for a given interval

and then resend the request until the message is received.

If the node is offline for some time the hints get piled up and once the

node is back online the hints flood the node. To avoid this situation

Cassandra limits the storage of hints to a configurable time window.

It is also possible to disable hinted handoff entirely.

Because of the limitation mentioned above maintaining consistency

of the data becomes difficult.


For achieving the consistency in cassandra anti-entropy protocol is


Anti-entropy protocols are a type of gossip protocol for repairing the

replicated data. They work by comparing the replicas and reconcile

the differences observed among them.

Anti-entropy is used in Amazon DynamoDB.


In cassandra Replica synchronization is supported via two different


Read repair: Read repair refers to the synchronization of replicas as

data is read.

Anti-entropy repair: Is a manually initiated operation performed on

nodes as part of a regular maintenance process. Done using nodetool.

Both Cassandra and Dynamo use Merkle trees for anti-entropy, but

their implementations are a little different. In Cassandra, each table

has its own Merkle tree; the tree is created as a snapshot during a

validation compaction, and is kept only as long as is required to send

it to the neighboring nodes on the ring. The advantage of this

implementation is that it reduces network I/O.


Lightweight Transactions and Paxos

Strong consistency is not enough to prevent race conditions in cases

where clients need to read, then write data.

A scenario  to explain:

In creating a new user account, we’d like to make sure that the user

record doesn’t already exist, lest we unintentionally overwrite existing

user data. So first we do a read to see if the record exists, and then

only perform the create if the record doesn’t exist.

The behavior we’re looking for is called linearizable consistency,

meaning that we’d like to guarantee that no other client can come in

between our read and write queries with their own modification.

Cassandra supports a lightweight transaction (LWT) mechanism that

provides linearizable consistency.

Cassandra’s LWT implementation is based on Paxos. Paxos is a

consensus algorithm that allows distributed peer nodes to agree on a

proposal, without requiring a leader to coordinate a transaction.

Paxos and other consensus algorithms emerged as alternatives to

traditional two-phase commit-based approaches to distributed


Paxos algorithm have two stages:



To modify data, a coordinator node can propose a new value to the

replica nodes, taking on the role of leader. Other nodes may act as

leaders simultaneously for other modifications. 

Each replica node checks the proposal, and if the proposal is the

latest it has seen, it promises to not accept proposals associated with

any prior proposals.

Each replica node also returns the last proposal it received that is still

in progress.

If the proposal is approved by a majority of replicas, the leader

commits the proposal, but with the caveat that it must first commit any

in-progress proposals that preceded its own proposal.

The Cassandra implementation extends the basic Paxos algorithm to

support the desired read-before-write semantics (also known as

check-and-set), and to allow the state to be reset between

transactions. It does this by inserting two additional phases into the

algorithm, so that it works as follows:

1. Prepare/Promise

2. Read/Results

3. Propose/Accept

4. Commit/Ack

Thus, a successful transaction requires four round-trips between the

coordinator node and replicas. This is more expensive than a regular

write, which is why you should think carefully about your use case

before using LWTs.

Cassandra’s lightweight transactions are limited to a single partition.

Internally, Cassandra stores a Paxos state for each partition.

This ensures that transactions on different partitions cannot interfere

with each other.


Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs

When a node receives a write operation, it immediately writes the

data to a commit log. The commit log is a crash-recovery mechanism

that supports Cassandra’s durability goals. A write will not count as

successful on the node until it’s written to the commit log, to ensure

that if a write operation does not make it to the in-memory store

(memtable), it will still be possible to recover the data. If you shut down

the node or it crashes unexpectedly, the commit log can ensure that

data is not lost. That’s because the next time you start the node,

the commit log gets replayed. In fact, that’s the only time the commit

log is read; clients never read from it.


CREATE KEYSPACE my_keyspace WITH replication = 

{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND  durable_writes =true;

The durable_writes property controls whether Cassandra will use the

commit log for writes to the tables in the keyspace. This value defaults

to true, meaning that the commit log will be updated on modifications.

Setting the value to false increases the speed of writes, but also risks

losing data if the node goes down before the data is flushed from

memtables into SSTables.


After it’s written to the commit log, the value is written to a

memory-resident data structure called the memtable. Each memtable

contains data for a specific table.

Prior to 2.1 version memtables were in JVM. Now a configuration

option is available to specify the amount of on-heap and native


When the number of objects stored in the memtable reaches a

threshold, the contents of the memtable are flushed to disk in a file

called an SSTable (Sorted String Table). Multiple memtables are

created for a single table. One current and other one waiting to be


Each commit log maintains an internal bit flag to indicate whether it

needs flushing. When a write operation is first received, it is written to

the commit log and its bit flag is set to 1.

Once a memtable is flushed to disk as an SSTable, it is immutable and

cannot be changed by the application. Despite the fact that SSTables

are compacted, this compaction changes only their on-disk

representation; it essentially performs the “merge” step of a mergesort

into new files and removes the old files on success.

All writes are sequential, which is the primary reason that writes

perform so well in Cassandra. No reads or seeks of any kind are

required for writing a value to Cassandra because all writes are

append operations. This makes the speed of your disk one key

limitation on performance.

On reads, Cassandra will read both SSTables and memtables to find

data values, as the memtable may contain values that have not yet

been flushed to disk.


Bloom Filters

Bloom filters are used to boost the performance of reads.

Bloom filters work by mapping the values in a data set into a bit array

and condensing a larger data set into a digest string using a hash

function. The digest, by definition, uses a much smaller amount of

memory than the original data would. The filters are stored in memory

and are used to improve performance by reducing the need for disk

access on key lookups. Disk access is typically much slower than

memory access. So, in a way, a Bloom filter is a special kind of key


Cassandra maintains a Bloom filter for each SSTable. When a query is

performed, the Bloom filter is checked first before accessing the disk.


Mechanism to boost read performance, three optional forms of caching:

• The key cache stores a map of partition keys to row index entries,

facilitating faster read access into SSTables stored on disk. The key cache is stored on the JVM heap.

• The row cache caches entire rows and can greatly speed up read

access for frequently accessed rows, at the cost of more memory

usage. The row cache is stored in off-heap memory.

• The counter cache was added in the 2.1 release to improve counter

performance by reducing lock contention for the most frequently

accessed counters.

By default, key and counter caching are enabled, while row caching is

disabled, as it requires more memory.


SSTables are immutable, which helps Cassandra achieve such high write speeds.

Periodic compaction of these SSTables is important in order to support

fast read performance and clean out stale data values.

A compaction operation in Cassandra is performed in order to merge SSTables.

During compaction, the data in SSTables is merged: the keys are

merged, columns are combined, obsolete values are discarded, and a new index is created.

Compaction is the process of freeing up space by merging large

accumulated datafiles. This is roughly analogous to rebuilding a table

in the relational world.

On compaction, the merged data is sorted, a new index is created

over the sorted data, and the freshly merged, sorted, and indexed data

is written to a single new SSTable (each SSTable consists of multiple

files, including Data, Index, and Filter).

Cassandra supports multiple algorithms for compaction via the strategy

pattern. The compaction strategy is an option that is set for each table.

• SizeTieredCompactionStrategy (STCS) is the default compaction

strategy and is recommended for write-intensive tables

• LeveledCompactionStrategy (LCS) is recommended for read-intensive tables

• TimeWindowCompactionStrategy (TWCS) is intended for time series or otherwise date-based data.

Users with prior experience may recall that Cassandra exposes an

administrative operation called major compaction (also known as full

compaction) that consolidates multiple SSTables into a single SSTable. While this

feature is still available, the utility of performing a major compaction has been greatly reduced over time.

In fact, usage is actually discouraged in production environments, as it tends to limit

Cassandra’s ability to remove stale data.

Deletion and Tombstones

To prevent deleted data from being reintroduced, Cassandra uses a

concept called a tombstone. A tombstone is a marker that is kept to

indicate data that has been deleted. When you execute a delete

operation, the data is not immediately deleted. Instead, it’s treated as

an update operation that places a tombstone on the value.

A tombstone is similar to the idea of a “soft delete” from the relational

world. Instead of actually executing a delete SQL statement, the application will issue an update statement that changes a value in a

column called something like “deleted.” Programmers sometimes do

this to support audit trails. As you might expect, we see a different

token for each partition, and the same token appears for the two rows

represented by the partition key value “Nguyen.”

List all tables in a keyspace 

cqlsh>use <keyspace>;
cqlsh:<keyspace>>describe tables;
cqlsh:<keyspace>>desc tables;

Export results of cassandra query to CSV file: 

First option from Unix prompt

$ bin/cqlsh -e "select * from keyspace.tablename where <condition>" > /root/tablename_results.csv

Second option From CQL Shell
cqlsh> CAPTURE '/root/tablename_results.csv';
cqlsh> select * from keyspace.tablename where <condition>;

Files generated from the above options would be pipe(|) separated. To replace the pipe with comma(,) using the following command:

$ sed -i -e 's/|/,/g' /root/tablename_results.csv

Creating table:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testkeyspace.testtable ( 
id timeuuid, 
testcol1 int, 
testcol2 text, 
PRIMARY KEY ((testcol1), id)); 

Inserting records in a table:

INSERT INTO testkeyspace.testtable (testcol1, testcol2) VALUES (1111, 'testval');

Node tool commands:

nodetool refresh testkeyspace testtable
nodetool repair keyspace testkeyspace tables testtable 

Provides usage statistics of thread pools
nodetool tpstats 

Provides statistics about one or more tables.
nodetool tablestats

Start/Stop/Status of DSE service:

sudo service dse stop
sudo service dse start
sudo service dse status

Start and stop of data stax agent:

sudo service datastax-agent start
sudo service datastax-agent restart
ps -ef | grep datastax-agent

Data Stax file system (DSEFS)

Get the file from DSEFS to local file system:

dse fs "get <dsefs filepath> <localfilepath>"
Example: get test.csv
dse fs "get /myfolder/test.csv /root/test.csv"

Put the file to DSEFS from local file system:

dse fs "put -o <localfilepath> <dsefs path>"

Example:to upload test.csv
dse fs "put -o /root/test.csv /myfolder/test.csv"

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